home remedies for bone spur straight away from your kitchen

Image result for milk

Bones- the rigid organs of the vertebrates goes through a number of wear and tear during the life span.

When it out grows it gives rise to a circumstance called bone spur. It is normally smooth. It usually

grows along the joints. Invariable pressure, abrasion, anxiety over a long period of time gives rise to

bone spur. It usually occurs on the shoulder, feet, toes, heel, hand etc. It may go unattended many

times depending on the location but when it shows symptoms it causes pain, numbness, tenderness,

difficulty in walking, inflammation etc. Normally it doesn’t require any major treatment unless it is

damaging other tissue or is causing pain. Taking due care using home remedies will make well and

diminish the pain.

Some of home remedies for bone spur are mentioned below:

1) Milk

Vitamin D is the major source. Doctors urge proper intake of vitamin D for this. The first-rate source

is milk which contributes to 30 % of the daily allowance of the vitamin to the body.

2) Flax Seeds

Flax seeds also known as lin seeds is used as nutritional supplement. Bandage of hot flax seeds would

give relief in the soreness and also reduce the distress.

3) Ice pack

Ice pack is measured to be one of the old remedies for relieving ache. Rolling of ice of 15 to 20 min

over the affected area would soothe.
Image result for ice pack
4) Resting and footwear

Resting is one of the costless method that can be tried and it is obligatory for the affected part from

causing brutal pain. Footwear plays a key role as the affected area is foot in most of the cases.

Comfortable and well fitted shoes prevents bone spur.

5) Proper posture and exercise

It is advisable to keep good posture to minimize the pain and to stay well postured throughout ones

life. Exercise is non-detachable part of life nowadays but amount of it should be reduced and should

not be overdone. Remaining active with less stress is most advisable. Exercises such as stretching the

muscles after a long sitting and in the morning should be done. Activity may flare up inflammation in

the joints, thus a short period of rest is initially appropriate.

6) Apple Cider wraps

Apple cider wraps can be used. A cloth soaked in apple cider and wrapped around the affected area. If

this continued over weeks would give relief from the prolonged condition.

7) Ginger

Ginger is beneficial home remedy. It is considered to be the best anti- inflammatory anti-oxidant that
Image result for ginger
gives relief from constant agony. A proper intake of ginger is advantageous. Moreover ginger is easily

accessible kitchen ingredient so can be tried at a go.

8) Turmeric

Turmeric stands first among the home remedies of bone spur. It contains curcumin which is
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considered to be the most reliable healing of bone spur. Continued intake of turmeric on empty

stomach for couple of months will mend the affected area.

9) Vitamin K2

The function of vitamin k2 is to deposit the calcium where it is needed but deficiency of this vitamin

would cause the calcium to be deposited somewhere else where it is not needed causing calcium

imbalance. It can be sourced from meat and poultry and dark leafy vegetables.

10) Chamomile flower

It is paramount in smoothening the nervous system. Bathing with the water boiled with chamomile

flowers in it gives instant relief in the pain. Pouring the water on the painful joins gives release from

the discomfort caused.

A physician can be concerned on extra pain so it can be diagnosed. Life style, unhealthy diet etc play

a major role which can be avoided to reduce the risk of bone spur.


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