Anal Fistula diet, home remedies and its natural treatment

Anal Fistula diet, home remedies and natural treatment

Anal Fistula is the canal between the surface of the anal and the skin. It is the cavity filled with pus

near anus/rectum and is usually caused due to infection in the inner glands. Fistula normally occurs if

the abscess (assortment of pus) is not cured completely.


 Unhygienic conditions

 unhealthy lifestyle of people

 Accumulation of bacteria and fungus due to unhygienic care near anus

 faecal material clogs

 pelvic syndrome

 inflammatory bowel movements

 Junk food

 roadside eateries

 Dehydration causes hard stool that damages the skin and the tissues near anus.

 It is the result of past or present abscess which causes immense discomfort and agony.


 Skin irritation around the anus

 Discharge of pus

 Weight loss

 Nausea

 Fatigue

 Constipation

 Pain during bowel movements


 Bran

Unrefined wheat bran can be supplemented to numerous meals. Bran is the external layer of the wheat

grain, and is present in 'whole granule’. Adding up couple of teaspoons of bran per portion is a grand

way to intensify the fibre content.

 Whole Grain

Whole grain flour has 6 times the fiber of standard flour. Oat bran can be used in place of wheat flour

when roasting. Benefits have been derived from various herbs and alternative cures from centuries.

Low fiber content is the active cause which can be cured by taking fruits and vegetables .Nutritious

diet with high fiber content would give less stress to the bowel movements hence reducing the pain.

 Warm Water

Warm water in the morning is highly recommended. Gluten free diet is an aid in fistula.


 Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural antibiotic that can be used externally as well as internally. If externally applied

it covers up the fistula by preventing the further infection and thus promoting healing process.

 Ghee and warm milk

Table spoon of ghee (clarified butter in India) and a glass of warm milk is the best cure which can

stop swelling and oozing in few days. Cod liver oil can be applied topically.

 Nuts

Nuts like almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, all sort of beans are highly recommended. Eating

inflammatory food causes irritation in the intestines so avoiding spicy food, liquid intake is one of the



Hygienic measures should be taken to clean and cure the open end.

 Sitz Bath and external application

Sitting in a tub of hot water with antiseptic lotion is most recommended. It will relieve the discomfort

and the pain felt due to the cut and the pus. It can simply be created by filing a bath tub with warm

water and sitting into it. Putting antiseptic lotion will help fight the bacteria. External application of

vitamin E and vitamin A is helpful. It is an immunity booster which removes all the toxins from the


 Stoll Softeners

Using dietary and herbal remedies to help pass stool that is soft and not dry will reduce pain and

damage to the fistula.

 Triphala and guggul

Triphala is very helpful in curing the bowel movements by stabilizing the metabolism.

There are ample of herbs that serve in drying the pus in the fistula naturally. Constipation and

infection should be avoided anyhow as it increases the soreness.

Guggul is considered to be of majestic importance in anal fistula cure . When triphala nad guggul

mixed together and consumed orally heals the fistula soon.

Anal fistula causes throbbing pain and distress. When home remedies are easily available one should

surely go for it avoiding extreme strong antibiotics and pain killers.


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