Aniseed and its benefits for hair and skin
Anise also known as pimpinella anisum is the native herb of east Mediterranean region which
includes Turkey, Syria, Spain etc. It grows upto half a meter and bears white flowers in
summer. Since it bears white flowers it is known as swetapushpa in Sanskrit. Anise has
various medicinal benefits and is widely used around the world. It is extensively used around
the world for an assortment of reasons. Aniseeds possess very distinct flavour and aroma
which has widened its usage in the food. If we go through anise- benefits for skin, hair and
health and nutritional value our eyes would stay open wide. Let’s discuss few of them.
Benefits of aniseeds for skin
The major component of anise oil is Anethol. It is this compound that gives the oil its aroma.
Anethol is accountable for giving aroma to the oil. The health benefits of anise oil are due its
antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive, sedative and stimulant properties. It has much more
detoxifying virtues in it. Anise oil is capable of keeping skin fit, healthy and lustrous. If the
ani seed oil is mixed with the shea butter or any other oil it works wonders. This oil gives
instantaneous relief from spots, acnes and bad skin. Skin becomes glossy, shiny and glowing.
Advantages of aniseeds for hair
Aniseed oil is used for oiling the hair. It has proven its importance for the re-growth of the
hair and also repairing the damaged hair. If anise oil is massaged well on the scalp it aids the
growth of the new hair. It gives relief from the dandruff and the flakes which occur out of the
dry skin. The aniseed oil has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which aids in eradicate
scalp infections. It has proved to be a great element to get rid of the head lice. It is the best
treatment for scabs, flakes and lice.
Anise as a gain to women
Aniseed oil has properties of estrogen –female hormone. It eases the problems created due to
the hormones in the females. Anise has proven its benefits to women by reducing the cramps
during menstruation. If aniseeds oil is used for massaging the stomach during the
menstruation period it reduces the contraction. Also in lactating mothers if massaged it
increases the flow of milk. Also drinking of aniseeds containing tea twice or thrice a day
serves the purpose of abundant flow of breast milk. Apart from it expecting mothers can have
it too which would facilitate the birth. Complexion can be lightened if tea made from aniseed
is splashed on the face at regular intervals after cooling it down.
Aniseed as a gas liberating driving force
Aniseed is considered to be the best gas releasing agent in infants and the grown ups. It if
accompanies with other ingredients like ginger and cumin it gives instant relief from the gas
in the stomach. Aniseed is famous since ages for its digestive properties. Aniseed oil helps in
the digestion of the heavy meals. A mixture of crushed aniseed, lemon, salt and major
proportion of water is prepared. If drunk after meals it gives relaxation and aids the digestive
system. Moreover it is very appetizing and delicious. Furthermore it acts as a laxative and
clears the constipation problem. It also clears the bloated belly. Also, it helps in removing
gastric trouble. Metabolism of the body can be regulated with the use of the aniseed oil. It
stimulates the hunger.
A blessing to the heart
well and strong enough. It reduces the pressure on the heart and thus helping the heart to
function well. Precisely sweet, aromatic and full of flavour anise is considered to a sanction
for heart. Anise is a perpetual herbal plant that controls the heart beats. It is a natural
Culinary significance
Fresh leaves of anise are used for cooking. It has made its diverse place in the mouth wash
and the mouth freshening material. Aromatic leaves give flavour to the food just adding extra
tint to it. Because of its detoxifying property it is vastly used in preparing herbal teas and
drinks that gives instant relief from headaches, bloated stomach, nausea etc. It is extensively
used as mouth freshener. Around 20 -30 gm of aniseed would provide enough of iron to meet
the daily requirement of the body. Anise oil lends an immense, profound and curried flavour
to herbal teas, drinks and food. Not only does Anise oil taste fantastic, but it can pack some
potent benefits to the being who consumes it.
Supplementary importance
It gives relief from the toothache. Thousands of benefits have been noted since old ages and
our ancient parents used to make major use of the aniseeds in various diet. Antiseptic
properties help to heal the small cuts and abrasions. Helps in proper digestion of the food and
gives instant relief to cough, flu and cold. Oil bares the antimicrobial and anti fungal
properties. It helps in getting rid of the cough and cold. Also it is considered to be natural
sedative. It helps in reducing the sleeping disorders and thus reduces the insomnia. It relaxes
the nerves and enhances the calmness in the mind. It regulates the circulation of the bloods. It
gives relief from infections created in the body.
Anise seed is widely available in small sachets and in various other forms. Aniseed oil is
available in the market which can be used to treat various health related problems. People
have used aniseeds to treat ailments whether it be twinge in the stomach, headache or a
toothache. The seeds are an outstanding resource of copper, manganese, potassium, calcium.
It contains most important element called B complex which most vegetarians lack in. Anise is
a safe herb to use and is used as a mouth fresher after the meals by majority. A single herb on
earth carrying properties like stimulating lactation, preventing menstruation cramps, relief to
headache, toothache, controlling metabolism, cough, cold and flu and freshening the breath.