Numerology- reading your future with numbers

Though I don’t believe in future forecast and predictions, I still have a gut feeling that there is

something, some kind of super natural power that is making us do our errands. Thereafter, I

land on the page of free numerology reading. Numerology reading is something very

interesting and to some extent I started following it, let it not be deeply but to some degree. It

is the fad on since ancient times during the great epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana took

place and great saints virtually alleged and were tough believer of numerology and the

astrology. Numerology as per what I believe is the game of numbers. Not only in India but

wide-reaching numerology is traced back.

Numerology- A number game
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I find numerology very electrifying and awe-inspiring. I always speculated why celebrities

and renowned people spelled their names wrong. Numerology was the answer to my question

I figured out later. To fine-tune the numbers according to the stars the alphabets are changed

and altered as per the constraint that works for us. It really works or not, I dint try it

previously. But, I was always spellbound to know what my stars are and where did I stand in

the vicinity of being lucky. All the digits are reduced to a single digit in numerology. As per

my personal experience my life path number is 1. 1 is always the best as we all know so it

kind of ensnared me to get deeper into it as numerology was indicating something superior

about me. As per numerology, I am unique, imaginative and strong entity. That I strongly

believe as to some extent I do believe that I am a strong individual with something creative in

me. Numerology I think helped motivate me and see things which I couldn’t see as an


Different phases of numerology
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Numerology is not just limited to one phase of life and knowing one thing. It really helps you

to know many numbers in diverse fields of your life. Let it be, love, marriage, life, work,

relationships etc. I was astonished when I could see that changing a letter in the name of my

friend really worked wonders for him and things that were not on tract started coming on

track. It is implausible when you see that some magic works behind you and you are in the

control of something else but that something else is good and your helper. Though we in this

advanced era of 21 st century judge that we are the one and there is not anything like super

normal power working for us. Looking at certain facet, I come to some conclusion that yes,

there is some power working behind me that is helping me to complete this race called life

which I am running alone.
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Numerology is beyond belief and it helps a lot to those who think they are unlucky on the

path of destiny. Nothing goes in giving a single try. One should always keep on trying new

things that come their way. You never know, life might change at just one go. Free

numerology reading is available on internet wherein you no need to go to anyone for your



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